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本书标签: 短篇  宝藏句子  宝藏文案 




Don't make do with it, don't make do with it, don't rely on cheap yourself to cater to and please each other, and don't rely on wronging yourself to maintain the existing relationship.


I was born plain and light, without a prominent family background, without a beautiful face, I can't surprise my youth, and I can't mottle the years.


In the long river of life, we have all had confusion and anxiety. After all, confusion has always been the most favored test in life.


We stood, holding our door leaves. The door is low, but the sun is bright. The grass is bearing its seeds, and the wind is shaking its leaves. We stand and don't talk, which is very beautiful.


People who like to say "delicious" while eating, people who like to say "beautiful" while traveling, just like people who like to say "like you" while falling in love, of course, this is not nonsense, this is polite.


I just hope that you and I are good, not suspicious of each other, nor praise each other. As usual, you and I talk like talking to ourselves, and I talk like talking to myself. Say, how are you with me?

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