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Roses remain in midsummer, romance remains in the sunset, loneliness remains in the sunset, loneliness remains mediocre people, and the truth of life leaves eternal loneliness, which eventually dies together. Memories are the evidence of our past.

我将玫瑰藏于身后,再青春的写照里尽数只有遗憾,它早已从热烈似火成了凋零不堪。再次相见,你我皆不相识……而腐朽的玫瑰已化成一抹永不消逝的红 留在了记忆深处 那是一首热烈而遗憾的青春颂歌…

I hide the rose behind me. In the portrayal of youth, there are only regrets. It has already changed from warm like fire to withering. Meet again, you and I don't know each other... And the rotten rose has turned into a touch of eternal red and remains in the deep memory. It's a warm and regretful Ode to youth

玫瑰花瓣已落 你我皆为过客。

The rose petals have fallen, and we are all passers-by.


I'm waiting, waiting for his / their love to be admitted, waiting for TXL to be no longer an abbreviation, waiting for the vigorous love of teenagers. I like watching him / them kiss in the sunset. I like watching him / them rush to each other out of class and secular. The gods confiscated people's timidity, and the young people's love was vigorous.

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