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要我说女孩子呀,各有各的漂亮法。有的眉目清冷,像是一整季的雪水都融在了她的眼睛里。 有的酒窝甜蜜,她笑一笑漫山遍野的风声都要消息。 有的天生绵软,你吵她挨过去,像碰了一团云。如何不漂亮呢?她若是瘦,你边看她伸懒腰时优雅得像天鹅伸颈。她若丰盈,你便看她日光底下肌肤亮起时有多绮丽,她若生斑,你便赞她漂亮的发光上帝这才在她的眼角鼻翼投下淡淡的影。她若佝偻,你便赞她小小只多秀气刚刚好搂在怀里。你瞧,女孩子生来就漂亮的不讲道理。

If I say girls, they have their own beautiful ways. Some eyes and eyebrows are cold, like the snow water of a whole season has melted into her eyes. Some dimples are sweet, she smiles, and the wind all over the mountain wants news. Some are naturally soft, and you make her suffer like touching a cloud. How not beautiful? If she is thin, you can see that she stretches gracefully like a swan stretching her neck. If she is plump, you can see how beautiful her skin is when it lights up in the sun. If she has spots, you can praise her beautiful glow. God cast a faint shadow on her nose. If she stoops, you praise her for being so small and delicate that she just hugs her in her arms. You see, girls are born beautiful and unreasonable.


Treat yourself gently. You are just a child of the universe, no different from plants and stars.


Growth is: gradually gentle, restrained, simple, don't complain, don't ask, don't remember, and gradually realize the grandeur of life in silence.

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