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(突然地底出来一个3米的木桩!把整个客栈都毁了)(Suddenly a 3 meter stake came out of the ground! Destroyed the entire inn)

周墨枫(地阶哪里只能控制一个吗?不过也好强……)(Where can I control only one step? But it is also very strong,)

李婉茹(快走吧,这里发生了什么?)(Let's go, what happened here? )

周墨枫(我去……)What the hell

(周墨枫这才发现自己把客栈毁了)(Zhou Mofeng discovered that he had destroyed the inn)

周墨枫(这是谁干的?完全不知道呢?)(Who did this? I have no idea? )

周墨枫(现在没地方去了,带我去大峡谷吧)(There is no place to go now, take me to the Grand Canyon)

李婉茹(行吧行吧)All right, all right

(又是周墨枫骑着摩托车带着李婉茹,又是可怜的凯兰崔尔在天上飞……)(Zhou Mofeng is riding a motorcycle with Li Yuru, and poor Kailancui is flying in the sky)

凯兰崔尔(真的,天上风景超好,真的我一点也不酸)(Really, the scenery in the sky is super good, really I am not sour at all)

(不一会,3人到了大峡谷)(In a short while, 3 people arrived at the Grand Canyon)

周墨枫(还真的有点灵气没有啊)(There is really a little aura)

超级系统(宿主这可是魔气,让贝贝出来吸收吧,马上可以到地阶了)(The host is magic, let Beibei come out to absorb it, you can go to the bottom soon)

周墨枫(贝贝,还可以吸魔气?)(Beibei, you can also suck the magic? )

超级系统(贝贝本来就是黑暗系的)(Beibei is originally a dark system)

本章完End of this chapter

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