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李婉茹(知道啊,有一个大峡谷,哪里灵气充足,我从小就是在哪里修炼的)(I know, there is a Grand Canyon, where there is enough aura, where I practiced from an early age)

周墨枫(现在能不能带我去?)(Can you take me now? )

李婉茹(哪里晚上没有灵气的……而且一到晚上就阴森森的,还是明天早上去吧)(Where there is no aura at night, and it is gloomy at night, let's go tomorrow morning)

超级系统(发布任务:去大峡谷探索一番,任务奖励:特殊道具)(Release task: go to the Grand Canyon to explore, task reward: special props)

周墨枫(看了我非去不可了?)(I saw that I have to go? )

超级系统(放心吧系统任务都是对宿主有利的)(Rest assured that system tasks are beneficial to the host)

周墨枫(对了,这个青龙的能力怎么用啊)(By the way, how to use this Qinglong's ability)

超级系统(你脑袋里有个青龙印记)(You have a blue dragon mark in your head)

周墨枫(好像真有,)(It seems that there really is,)

超级系统(尝试控制它,)(Try to control it,)

(紧接着青龙印记发出绿光)(Then the green dragon mark gives off a green light)

周墨枫(起!)Get Up

(这个房间一瞬间长满的草外面变成了一片树林)The room was suddenly covered with grass and turned into a forest outside

周墨枫(好浓的生命力!)(What a strong vitality! )

超级系统(这个能力就是控制和治疗)(This ability is control and treatment)

周墨枫(不……应该还有攻击,起!)(No, there should be attacks, up! )

本章完End of this chapter

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