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周墨枫(没事就行,贝贝,出来吧马上就可以完成任务了)(Nothing is fine, Beibei, come out and you can finish the task soon)

超级系统(还有探索大峡谷的任务哦)(And the task of exploring the Grand Canyon)

周墨枫(哦哦,这就去贝贝你自己在这里吧)(Oh, I am going to Beibei, you are here yourself)

贝贝(快滚快滚)Get out of here. Get out of here

(贝贝开始吸收魔气了,没一会就到了地阶)(Beibei began to absorb the magic, and soon reached the bottom)

超级系统(叮,贝贝到地阶任务完成任务奖励已发放)(Ding, Beibei to the bottom of the mission to complete the task reward has been issued)

周墨枫(行吧……让贝贝继续修炼吧,这大峡谷真的大,怎么还没探索完)(OK, let Beibei continue to practice, this Grand Canyon is really big, why haven't you finished exploring yet)

超级系统(而且越到里面魔气越重了)(And the more you get inside, the heavier the magic)

周墨枫(赶紧吧,确实有点阴森森的了)(Hurry up, it's a bit spooky)


周墨枫(这是啥玩意)What the hell is this

超级系统(魔物)Magic object

超级系统(不过貌似还没苏醒)(But it doesn't seem to be awake yet)

周墨枫(哦,怪不得晚上没灵气估计是他搞的鬼吧。,)(Oh, no wonder there is no aura at night. I guess he is doing it. ,)

超级系统(确实,他身上的魔气挺重的)(Indeed, the magic on his body is quite heavy

本章完End of this chapter

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