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本书标签: 明星同人  免费封面铺  封面铺   




人物素材鸣谢张冉儿 温愉




"Flowers bloom for all."


"Love and hate are casual, small circle, few things, very good."


"When the flower falls, it does not die. The wind picks up the flower and drops it, and the flower dies."


"I can't remember, but I remember a lot of tears and a lot of compromises."


"It's not that love is unreliable, but that you haven't met a reliable person."


"Say a word to the person you like, he doesn't know here."


"It turns out that some people really talk about memories longer than love."


"Make friends with the person you love most and fall in love with the best person."


"People can really see a lot of things when they are most helpless."


"Why are all the things I value in my heart broken all the time?"


"We won't meet again. That's what separation means."


"It's too important to have a spiritual sustenance in a difficult time."


"I don't know whether this season is suddenly cold and depressing, or whether there are many unsatisfactory things hidden in my heart."


"People who can't stand the slightest grievance and indifference have persisted for a long time for you."


"We've all tried to think about the future, but we won't come back."


"As long as you are safe, it doesn't matter whether you are in touch or not. I wish Qiufeng would leave me."


"I used to think that serious love could move a person.".


"A lot of things, you can wait, it will come."


"Whether you like it or not, whether you are suitable or not, and whether you can be together are three different things."


"Missing can not arrive, how to pay is a pity."

上一章 《弘叶题石 修狗也要谈恋爱》 明同影同无偿封面铺最新章节 下一章 《TNT 动物也懂爱情》