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《TNT 动物也懂爱情》


柚点糕冷《TNT 动物也懂爱情》


人物素材鸣谢张冉儿 林栓 宋知严


那时我心比天高 扬言爱比什么都重要.

At that time, my heart was higher than the sky, and love was more important than anything else.


Looking for fun in the triviality of life is probably "having a small flower, sitting on the roof quietly blowing, sleeping well during lunch break, watching a play, listening to children's songs and writing notes in leisure time".


Even though I have imagined countless scenarios of dreams coming true, I have never taken a step towards that road.

其实一段关系坦诚 并不会伤害那些真诚相待的人隐晦和隐瞒才会

Honesty in a relationship doesn't hurt those who are honest with each other. Obscurity and concealment do.


Sitting alone in front of the table, watching the pedestrians walking in a hurry.


Tell you a joke "I love you".

你那明媚的笑容 惊艳了我整个夏天

Your bright smile has amazed me all summer.


Later, they all spoke ill of each other and forgot the original appearance of love.


He is like me at the beginning, and he has been in fantasy all the time.


I can't answer the questions you asked. I can only say that the answer is the third side of the coin.

上一章 《TNT之女尊》 明同影同无偿封面铺最新章节 下一章 《TNT咸鱼她只求活着》