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《弘叶题石 修狗也要谈恋爱》


柚点糕冷无偿单子《弘叶题石 修狗也要谈恋爱》






"Love does not arise because of a particular quality, character, or appearance.". But when that person appears, she is all that love is.


"It is very important to catch my love accurately. When I say I miss you very much, don't be perfunctory. Although I don't need you to give me the same miss, I hope you can take my miss seriously."


"Love is love itself, not the freshness of repetition, not the refuge of the frustrated, not the reason for moral kidnapping, no overflow of sympathy, no addition of compassion, no calculation and comparison, no measurement and negotiation.". Love is spontaneous, not given out, but overflowing.


"It takes courage and patience to hug a rose. I know those thorns will go into the skin and into the blood. It doesn't matter. Give me a minute. I'll pull them out. The pain will soon pass. But I still want to hug that rose."


"Our youth is like a wet pillow towel crying in the middle of the night, damp and musty, but when you wash it and put it in the sun, it still smells hopeful."

“即使以为自己的感情已经干涸得无法给予 也总会有一个时刻一样东西能拨动心灵深处的弦 我们毕竟不是生来就享受孤独的”

"Even if you think your feelings have dried up and you can't give them, there will always be a moment when something can touch the deep strings of your heart. After all, we are not born to enjoy loneliness."


"I never expect to attract others, I think this is very shallow, I have to attract myself, let me have love for myself, in order to complete the lonely and long days after."

“分开时分秒想念时刻念叨 还怪相见恨晚 相见时不愉快小脾气摩擦 最坏全都出现 人真是奇怪的动物”

"When we are apart, we miss each other every minute, we talk about each other all the time, and we still blame each other for meeting each other too late. When we meet each other, we are not happy. Small temper friction is the worst. All people appear. They are really strange animals."


"Life has no fixed number, looking back is the end of the world, mixed tastes of bad wine, better than a cup of lukewarm water."

“后来我明白 尘埃万里路 路上皆风景 跨过一个人是为了遇见最好的自己如果我变了 如果我不再是自己了 如果我让你失望了请你记得我原来的样子 请你记得我美好的样子”

"Later, I realized that all the scenery on the dusty road is to meet the best of myself. If I change, if I am no longer myself, if I let you down, please remember my original appearance. Please remember my beautiful appearance."

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