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In the long streets of the city, fireworks gather and human beings spread out.

市井长巷,聚拢来的是烟火 , 摊开来是人间。

Like flowers, like the sea, like sunrise and sunset, romantic age don't live too boring.

喜欢花, 喜欢海 ,喜欢日出和日落 ,浪漫的年纪别活的太无趣。

Accustomed to the tenderness of a good hometown, I was particularly moved by the clumsy sincerity.

见惯了良乡的温柔 ,所以对笨拙的真诚格外心动 。

All the past is a preface, and all the future is to be expected.

凡是过往皆是序章 ,所有将来皆为可盼 。

The poetic fireworks in your eyes are the other shore I want to reach.


You are the gravitation of the distant planet, so I have more tides.

你是远方星球的引力 ,所以我潮汐不止 。

When the blue rose falls into the Klein sea, those who have not met will also meet.

当蓝玫瑰坠入克莱因海,未曾谋面的也将会相遇 。

If you like butterflies, don't chase her and plant flowers, because butterflies like the fragrance of flowers.

喜欢蝴蝶,别去追她,去种花 ,因为蝴蝶喜欢花香 。

You are the cutest little star in the world. I love the whole universe just to meet you.

你是世界上最可爱的小星星 ,我爱整个宇宙,只为了跟你碰头 。

That year, the flowers didn't bloom best, but fortunately, I met you. The flowers bloomed very well, as if it was for you. That year, the flowers bloomed very late. Fortunately, you were there.

那一年,花开得不是最好,可是还好 ,我遇到你 ,花开的好极了 ,好像专是为了你 ,那一年 ,花开的很迟 ,还好,有你在 。

In the vast space and infinite time, it is my greatest honor to share the same technology star and the same time with you.

在广袤的空间和无限的时间中,能与你共享同一科技星和同一段时光是我最大的荣幸 。

Be gentle, but not compromise. We need to be strong in silence.

温柔要有 ,但不是妥协 ,我们要在安静中不慌不忙的坚强 。

Time may be like a light. You can't see it until the sunlight fades out. They are close to each other, but there is no connection. One light goes out, and the other just goes on.

时间或许像灯光 ,日照褪尽了才能看见 ,彼此靠近但是没有关联,一盏熄灭了 ,另一盏刚好亮了 。


洛染溪“句子甜甜的 ,像清晨的柠檬水 ,像初冬的太阳,像梦里的大海,像第一次遇见你 。 ”

洛染溪“就算星星碎掉了, 溢出来的光也很好看 。”

洛染溪“和糖炒栗子一样 ,我也是冬日限定。 ”

洛染溪“宇宙中有数不清的繁星 ,你不是繁星 ,你是我的近在咫尺。”


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