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When the pattern opens, you will find that many things will not affect your mood.

格局打开, 你会发现很多事情其实都不会影响你的情绪 。

If you only do what you can, you will never make progress.

如果你只做自己能力范围内的事情, 那你就永远无法进步 。

Growth is a deal. We are all trading our simple innocence and innocence for the courage of growth.

成长是一笔交易 ,我们都在用朴素的童真 ,与未经人事的洁白,换取成长的勇气 。

Life is lonely, and some roads can only be taken by one. It is better to enjoy alone than to bear silently.

人生而孤独 ,有些路只能一个人走 ,与其默默承受 ,不如独自享受 。

Feed loneliness, lock memories, embrace tenderness, and make peace with loneliness.

把孤独喂饱,把回忆锁好,对温柔拥抱 ,与孤独和好 。

No one stands with me at dusk, no one asks me whether my porridge is warm, no one turns out the light for me, and no one reads with me for half a life.

无人与我立黄昏 ,无人问我粥可温 ,无人替我捻熄灯,无人跟我书半生 。

All love can be pinched out, as long as you have enough courage and disappointment.

所有的爱都可以生生掐掉 ,只要你有足够勇气和失望 。

As a pessimist, all my happiness comes from miscalculation in the future.

作为一个悲观的人 ,我的快乐全部来自于对未来的失算 。

I don't depend on you materially, spiritually or economically. If you don't make me happy, what's the significance of your existence.

我物质上不依赖你 ,精神上不依赖你 ,经济上也不依赖你 ,你还不让我开心,那你的存在还有什么意义 。

After 60 seconds of red light, I drank milk tea, took a picture, returned a message, and chose a favorite song. You tell me what is no time.

红灯60秒, 我喝了口奶茶 ,拍了张照片 ,回了条信息,挑一首喜欢的歌 ,你告诉我什么叫没时间 。

Don't expect anyone in the world to be morally clean. Every soul in the world is half human and half ghost.

不要对世界上任何人,都抱有任何道德洁癖的期望,这世界上每个灵魂都半人半鬼 。

You should be attracted by the appearance in one's life, not the appearance on social software.

你应该被一个人生活中的样子所吸引 ,而不是社交软件上的样子 。

The rule of the Jianghu is that people walk in the cold tea, and tacit understanding ends. Don't ask, but you don't know the rules.

江湖规矩就是,人走茶凉,默契散场 ,不要问,问就是不懂规矩 。

Tenacious grass grows in stones, and confident flowers cannot grow in soap bubbles.

石头里会长出顽强的草 ,肥皂泡里开不出自信的花 。

The more you grow up, the more you understand. If you only talk about three things, don't give up all your heart.

越长大越懂得,逢人只说三分话 ,不可全抛一片心 。

The best feeling is that you know what I am and I know what you are. Then we just can't live without each other.

最好的感情就是你知道我是个什么的束西,我也知道你是个什么玩意,那我们就是离不开彼此 。

Born as a person, how can you know what love is at the moment when you are not low in the dust.

生而为人,没有低到塵埃里的那一刻,又怎会知道爱为何物 。

Life is full of ups and downs. When you are frustrated, give others a chance to touch. When you are proud, listen to others' applause. Why care about the ups and downs of life.

人生都是起起落落 ,失意时,给别人碰碰埸,得意时,听听别人的掌声 ,人生海海 ,又何必在意一时沉浮 。

When my child has 100 sweets, how can he mind sharing, but he only has two sweets, why do you call him generous.

我孩子有100颗糖时 ,他怎么会介意分享 ,可他只有两颗糖 ,你又凭什么叫他大方 。

If the reality is unforgettable, you should believe that all the beauty is true, but you haven't met it yet. Fairy tales are never fake, but the salvation of the real soul.

如果现实感到难忘 ,你要相信一切的美好都是真的 ,只是还没遇见,童话 ,从来都不是假的,是现实灵魂的救赎 。

Parents can choose whether to have children or not, but children have no way to choose whether to come to this world. They have no way to choose whether their parents bring their own life to be bitter or happy.

父母可以选择要不要孩子 ,可是孩子没有办法选择是否来到这世上 ,他们没有办法选择自己的父母带给自己的生活 是苦还是乐 。

Human society has been constantly striving for fairness. Once we choose to keep it secret, mankind will end up with injustice.

人类社会一直不断的在为公平仲事情而奋斗,一旦选择秘而不宣的话,人类会以不公平来作为结束 。


洛染溪“父母的管教注定孩子的成长,孩子的言语言论 以及父母的言语言论 ,都说明你整个大家庭。”

洛染溪“停止网络社交的关系 ,这可能是网络社会最好的解决办法 。”


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