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本书标签: 短篇 



Life is fair. Even if you suffer a lot, as long as you persist, you will gain. Even if you fail in the end, you will also gain experience that others do not have.

生活是公平的 ,哪怕吃了很多苦 ,只要你坚持下去 ,一定会有收获 ,即使最后失败了 ,你也获得了别人不具备的经历 。

If you give up too early, you never know what you will miss.

如果放弃太早 ,你永远都不知道自己会错过什么 。

I'd rather run and be tripped countless times than walk in a proper way for a lifetime. Even if I fall, I'll laugh heroically.

宁愿跑起来被绊倒无数次,也不愿规规矩矩走一辈子 ,就算跌倒也要豪迈的笑 。

In the days of waiting, study hard, be humble, and cultivate deep roots before you can flourish in the future.

在等待的日子里 ,刻苦读书,谦卑做人,养的深根,日后才能枝叶茂盛 。

Life always makes us black and blue, but later, those injured places will become our strongest places.

生活总让我们遍体鳞伤 ,但到后来,那些受伤的地方一定会变成我们最强壮的地方 。

It doesn't matter who you were ten years ago, who you were a year ago, or even who you were yesterday. What matters is who you are today and who you will be tomorrow.

十年前你是谁 ,一年前你是谁 ,甚至昨天你是谁都不重要 ,重要的是今天你是谁 ,以及明天你将成为谁 。

Quietly work hard, and then when you get stronger, jump out and jump out to the next big jump of people who once despised you. This is what you need to be a goal now.

悄悄的去努力 ,然后等你变厉害之后蹦出来 把曾经看不起自己的人下一大跳,这才是你现在需要当作目标的事 。

Positive energy is not heartless, not forced to smile, not dirty others to appear clean, but the kindness in tears, the belief to advance alone, the courage to rebuild after breaking, and the determination to remain pure no matter how complex the world becomes.

正能量不是没心没肺 ,不是强颜欢笑 ,不是弄脏别人来显得干净 ,而是泪流满面抱怀的善良,是孤身一人前进的信仰 ,是破碎以后重建的勇气 ,是无论世界变得有多复杂 ,自己依然纯粹的决心 。

You always feel that you can't let go of someone, it's not necessarily love, it's just persistence and memory.

你总觉得你放不下一个人 ,那未必是爱 ,那只是执着与回忆 。

The stars in her eyes are like a dream, which is better than the starry sky reflected in the lake.

她眼里的繁星如梦,于映入湖中的星空 ,有之胜而无不及。

Every cloud is missing, every moon is missing.

每朵云都下落不明 ,每盏月亮都不知所踪 。

I have stepped over all things on earth and never panicked, but when you stepped over the mountains and rivers and came back, I was in a mess.

我迈过人间万物,从不慌张 ,唯独你踏过山水 ,归来那一刻,我方寸大乱 。

All achievements and beauty are accompanied by the suffering of temperance and self-discipline.

所有的成就和美,都伴随着节制和自律的苦 。

What people laugh at is not your dream, but your strength.

人们嘲笑的不是你的梦想 ,而是你的实力 。

Behind the life you envy, there are hardships you can't afford.

你羡慕的生活 ,背后都是你熬不起的苦 。

You may not see the results of what you have done for the time being, but don't lose heart and worry. You are not growing up, but taking root.

你所做的事情,也许暂时看不到成果 ,但不要灰心和焦虑 ,你不是没有成长 ,而是在扎根 。

Your stress comes from being unable to discipline yourself, just pretending to work hard, and the current situation can't keep up with your inner desire, so you are anxious and even panic.

你的压力来源于无法自律,只是假装努力 ,现状跟不上你内心的欲望 ,所以焦虑甚至恐慌 。

The choice and process that really make people better will not be very comfortable. You know that lying in bed is more comfortable, but you will still get up early. You know it's more comfortable not to do anything, but you still choose to pursue your dreams. This is life. You must stick to it.

真正让人变好的选择和过程都不会很舒服 ,你明知道躺在床上睡懒觉更舒服 ,但还是会早起 。你明知道什么都不用做比较舒服,但依旧选择追逐梦想 。这就是生活 ,你必须坚持下去 。

Orange is not the only fruit. It's like time has no unique answer.

橘子不是唯一的水果 ,这像时间没有唯一的答案 。

Women are independent. Once I want to rely on others, I have weaknesses, so I am sad. Whenever you remind me, I must be sober, and I must not let him look down on me, nor can I look down on myself.

女子贵自立,一旦想要依靠别人,我有了弱点 ,所以我才伤心 。无论什么时候都提醒我 ,一定要清醒 ,一定不能让他看不起我 ,我自己也不能看不起我自己 。

I would rather be a free wild bird in the wild than a parrot with a jade ring in a golden cage.

比起在金笼里扣着玉环的鹦鹉,我宁可当野地里自由自在的野鸟 。

The restaurant guild said that women were not allowed to be the shopkeepers of the main store, but we were no worse than men, so we had to show them.

酒楼行会说不让女子做正店的掌柜,可我们不比男人差 ,我们偏要做给他们看 。

People in this world are like a bite of cake made by Sanniang. On the surface, they all look the same, but there are thousands of layers in it. I tasted it myself before I knew what it was like. So why do you care about other people's opinions.

这世上的人,就像是三娘做的一口酥一样,表面上看起来都差不多 ,可是里面有上千层 ,就亲自尝过了 ,才知道里面是什么滋味 ,所以你为什么要管别人的看法呢 。

The meaning of life is that because of hope, waiting is more important. Because of waiting, hope comes.

人生的意义在于,因为希望 ,所以等待更在于,因为等待, 所以到了希望 。

Brave people are not those who don't cry, but those who are willing to run with tears in their eyes.

勇敢的人,不是不落泪的人,而是愿意含着泪奔跑的人 。

Real leisure is not to say nothing, but to be free to do what you are interested in.

真正的闲暇 ,并不是说什么也不做什么 ,而是能够自由的做自己感兴趣的事 。

Your temperament comes from the road you have traveled and the books you have read. The world is created by genius, but poetry can belong to every soul of truth, goodness and beauty.

你的气质来源于你走过的路 ,读过的书 。世界是天才创造的 ,但是诗意却可以属于每一个真善美的灵魂 。

Don't let yourself down, just hold back your sharing. Listening to so many explanations is not as fast as wrestling.

不让自己失望 ,就忍住自己的分享 。听这么多解释 ,都不如摔跤明白的这快。

Low profile is to live in their own world, high-profile is to live in others' world.

低调是为了生活在自己的世界 ,高调是为了生活在别人的世界里 。

Cherish those who can really make you cry and laugh, because most people will only make you feel good.

珍惜那些能真正让你哭和笑的人 ,因为大部分人都只会让你不痛不痒 。

Why is a girl so flat? Because of life, she won't show mercy on you because you are a girl.

一个姑娘为啥那么平 ,因为生活,,才不会看你是姑娘就手下留情 。

Youth is always manic, manic to a certain idea on the road.

青春从来张狂,张狂到为了某一个念头就走上路 。


洛染溪“从梦中醒来吧 ,做梦谁不会 ,但只要是现实谁都难 ”

洛染溪“做一个诚恳的人 ,做自己想做的事 。”


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