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Dreams have nothing to do with age, because they still have light in their eyes. As long as there is light in their eyes, they must catch up with their dreams.

梦想和年龄无关 ,因为他们眼里还有光 ,只要眼里还有光 ,要一定追得到梦想 。

I really didn't think about anything, so the feeling, the feeling of running frantically in one direction, is really good.

我真的什么也没有想 ,所以那种感觉,那种朝着一个方向疯狂奔跑的感觉 ,真的很好 。

The past is false, memories have no way back, spring is always gone, the most crazy and persistent love, love is gone after all.

过去都是假的 ,回忆没有归路,春天总是一去不返 ,最疯狂执着的爱 ,情终究也是过眼云烟 。

The past is true, memories are endless, the cherry blossoms below are still open, and the beautiful years of youth are also immersive after all.

过去都是真的 ,回忆没有尽头 ,下面的樱花仍然开放 ,青春美好的岁月也终究是身临其境。

Try to climb high, not to let the world see you, but you want to see the world.

努力爬的高 ,不是为了让全世界都看见你 ,而是你想看看全世界 。

Dreams don't shine. What shines is you who pursue dreams.

梦想是不会发光 ,发光的是追梦的你 。

There are more than four seasons, plants on earth, poetry and distance.

四季不止 ,人间草木,还有诗和远方 。

The direction with sunshine is the direction of life, and dreams are like sunshine. And everyone has his own dream, and everyone will not give up his dream. However, dreams need to be bought by your own efforts. With your own efforts, you can get closer to your dreams.

有着阳光的方向 ,就是人生追求的方向 ,而梦想,就好比阳光 。而每个人都有自己的梦想 ,每个人都不会放弃自己的梦想 。但是,梦想是需要靠自己努力换来的 ,用自己的努力,向着自己的梦想一点点靠近 。

Coffee is bitter, ideal sour, and his admission notice is filled in.

咖啡是苦的 ,理想酸的,他录取通知书是填的。

Tsinghua University is only eight minutes away from Deyunshe, and the Deyunshe is opposite Peking University.

清华大学距离德云社只有八分钟的路程 ,北京大学的对面就是德云社 。

Dream is the persistence of picking up the pen and the sparkle of the desk lamp in the early morning, the hesitation of lifting the quilt and the soberness of cold water, the astonishment of seeing the rising sun at six o'clock and the light on the notes, and the crazy running on the days when you can't see hope again and again. Don't forget this failure, which makes you cry.

梦想是凌晨拿起笔的坚持 和台灯的闪耀,是掀开被子的毫不犹豫和冷水扑面的清醒 ,是六点看到旭日东升的惊艳和笔记上放的光芒 ,是一次又一次在看不到希望的日子里疯狂的奔跑,别忘了这次落榜,让你哭的撕心裂肺。

Put all your eggs in one basket for your dream, and let your efforts come to you.

为梦想孤注一掷,让努力苦尽甘来 。

May you start small and end great.

愿你以渺小启程 ,以伟大结束。

No heart will be hurt by pursuing dreams. When you really want something, the whole universe will help.

没有一颗心会因为追求梦想而受伤 ,当你真心渴望某样东西时 ,整个宇宙都会来帮忙 。

Failure is not to tell you that you are worthless, but to remind you that you should work hard.

失败不是在告诉你 ,你没出息而是在提醒你 ,你应该努力了 。

Love to me is not skin gas, not a vegetable, but an immortal desire and a heroic dream in a tired life.

爱之于我 ,不是肌肤之气 ,不是一蔬一菜 ,它是一种不死的欲望 ,是疲倦生活中的英雄梦想 。

When the clouds break and the sun rises, when the dusk falls on me, there are no fireworks and miscellaneous dust. As long as there is light and dream, it seems that I can't read enough books in my hand, and I can't use up my pen in my hand, but my dream will fill my life.

云破日出,当黄昏落在身上,没有烟火 ,没有杂尘 ,只要光和梦想,手上的书好像怎么也看不够 ,手上的笔好像怎么也用不完,而我的梦想却要填满了我的人生 。

If you work hard, that's a dream. If you don't work hard, it can only be a fantasy. If you have been daydreaming, no matter how many inspirational quotations you read, how much you pretend to work hard, you can't get rid of the lazy you. You should remember that only those who work hard are worthy of standing still.

努力了那才叫梦想,不努力就只能是空想 ,如果你一直空想的话 ,无论看多少励志语录,爱怎么假装努力 ,也赶不走懒惰的你 ,你要记住 只有努力奔跑的人,才配原地踏步。


洛染溪“别停下自己的脚步 ,别人的话只是在刺激你 ,做好自己准没错 。”

洛染溪“见过太多人的虚伪 ,所以才努力超越更多人 。”


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