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Envy makes people desperately want to stand out, and hypocrisy makes people smile in the face of difficulties. Negative energy sometimes brings infinite power. In fact, we are all climbing up under the shadow of ourselves.

嫉妒让人拼命想出头 ,虚伪让人在困难面前也微笑。负能量有时候带来的动力是无穷的 ,其实我们都踩着阴暗的自己在往上爬。

The capable person is the winner, while the general hard-working person is the capable person.

有能力的人就是赢家 ,而一般,努力的人,就是有能力的人 。

What's the relationship between other people's views and me? I have a clear idea of how I live, what I do is right and what is wrong. I know clearly why I need others to teach me how to live my life.

别人的看法跟我有什么关系 ,我活成什么样心里面有数 ,做的什么是对 什么是不对 ,心里清楚 ,自己的生活 凭什么需要别人来教我怎么过 。

I want to see the beauty of the moment when the dusk falls on the earth with you on the beach of Rizhao Sangyu every day.

想和你在每一个日博桑榆的海边,看黄昏坠落人间那一刻的美好 。

I hope we can all let go, have the courage to be hated, and give up to correct others' misunderstandings. We are always free. If others don't like it, just don't like it.

希望我们都能释怀 ,有敢于被讨厌的勇气 ,放弃去纠正他人的误解 ,我们永远自由的 ,别人不喜欢就不喜欢就自己就好啦 。

Some people sing and drink in the smoke and fire of night markets or snack stalls, while others have eye waves flowing and bumping into the summer evening wind.


I hope you will continue to fight with the world with interest and keep walking on the road full of flowers.

希望你继续兴致盎然地与世界交手,一直走在开满鲜花的路上 。

It's his business how the world asks you. I'm most partial to you. I'll give you all my sugar.

这个全世界怎么要求你 ,那是他的事 ,我最偏心你 ,我的糖都给你 。

You should hide your weakness. It's raining heavily in the world, and everything lives slowly. No one carries more for you. Don't worry about the bumpy future, and life is inherently tortuous.

你要藏好软弱 ,世间大雨滂沱,万物苟且而活,无人为你背负更多 , 莫嫌前程颠簸,人生本就曲折 。

If you step back, you will step back with disappointment. If you step forward, your future will be bright.

如果后退一步,那就是带着失望而退 ,如果前进一步,你的路将会前程似锦 。

Treat yourself gently. You are just a child of the universe, no different from plants and stars.

对待自己温柔一点 ,你只不过是宇宙的孩子 ,与植物,星辰没什么两样 。

When you are happy, all you hear is music. When you are sad, you understand the lyrics.

快乐的时候 ,你听到的只是音乐,难过的时候你听懂了歌词 。


洛染溪“在所有关心你的人当中 ,总有一个是你最陌生的,和你玩的最好的。 ”

洛染溪“温柔的话讲给风听,因为他会告诉你爱的人 。”


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