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馆主夜晚,龙灯里的龙跳到天空中,变成一条闪着七彩光芒的火龙,他带着财神、门神、灶王、兔爷,对,那个说话有点结巴,爱折下长耳朵,揩鼻子的兔儿爷,在天上散步、大笑。 At that night, the dragon of the lantern jumps into the sky, it becomes a fire dragon with colorful light. Chinese god of wealth, Chinese god of door, Chinese god of kitchen and Lord Rabbit, yes, it is the Lord Rabbit speaks stutteringly, sometimes he likes folding his ears and wiping his nose, they all follow the dragon walking and laughing in the sky.

馆主看灰尘在阳光中舞动,是我那时唯一的游戏。 Watching the dust dancing in the sunlight was my only game at that time.

馆主我的生活又陷入了灰暗之中,我觉得连天窗中射进来的那束阳光,也不再那么温暖和明亮了。 My life plunged back into grayness, and I felt that even the sunlight from the skylight was no longer so warm and bright.

馆主新的一年平平安安,和和美美! Nothing but the best, in the new year and all the rest!

馆主外婆不说话,但外婆的大剪刀会说话。外婆的大剪刀是黑色的,沉甸甸的,一副神气活现的样子,在外婆的手里却乖巧得像只小狗。 Grandma is wordless, but her scissors talk. Black, heavy, and perky, obedient like a puppy.

馆主外婆不说话。但外婆的织针会说话。 Grandma is wordless, but her knitting needles talk.

馆主外婆不说话,但外婆的煎药锅会说话。 Grandma is wordless, but her decoction pot talks.

馆主外婆的煎药锅是咖啡色的,胖乎乎的,虽然用了很久了,仍旧锃亮锃亮的。 Grandma's decoction pot is brown and bulging, but still shiny though used for ages.

馆主她喜欢听啁啾的鸟语。鸟儿们都是些爱讲话的家伙。它们交谈、争吵,炫耀羽毛。 Wheatear listens in all ears, to the chirping of birdies. Those talkative guys, always chatting, quarrelling, and showing off feathers.

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