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馆主楼顶上没有钟没有铃,却听到铃儿啊钟儿鸣,原来是风的回音。 From the top of tower, there comes ringing of bells, but there isn’t any bell, Oh, it is echoing of the wind.

馆主户外一片灰暗,天空低低的,好像要贴到屋顶上。一会儿前还鸟雀喧嚷的老榆树上只剩下零落的声音。 Why is it always at dusk when we head to the grocery?It is gray outside and the sky is so low that it seems to be touching the roof.The old elm tree, where the birds had been clamoring a while ago, is now left with only fitful sounds.

馆主冬天,柳树光秃秃地伫立在河边,四处清冷的样子,但是河水格外恬静,悠然泛起涟漪,柳树好似枯干的枝条显出别样的风骨。 In winter, willows stand bare by the riverside, lonely in chilly wind. But the river is particularly calm and quiet, with carefree ripples here and there. Withered willow branches have special characters of their own. The river has another beauty of the time.

馆主黄昏时分,小卖部的门灯散着惨淡的光,屋子里灯光沉沉的,屋顶很高,黑影匍匐在各处,我总是恍惚自己走进了妖怪店。 At sunset, the door lamp of the grocery gave off dim light. The heavy light, coupled with high ceilings, projected dark shadows creeping at all corners. This made me feel like wandering into a ghost store.

馆主他画的船穿过爸爸和哥哥编竹器的厂房,他画的大海有开满鲜花的鸟岛,沙滩上大龙追逐奔跑的向日葵。他的船去过的最远的地方,是爸爸的屋顶。那是他站在哥哥的肩膀上画出来的。他的帆船还驶进了太阳里。 He draws a boat, that sails through the bamboo ware workshop Dad and brother work, he draws a sea, there is a bird island full of flowers, and on the beach the big dragon is chasing the running sunflowers.

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