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馆主小虫子们和鸟儿不一样。它们不喜欢交谈、争吵、炫耀。它们只喜欢歌唱。歌唱阳光、雨滴、花朵……以及大地上所有美好的事物。 She also enjoys the scuffling of insects, who are unlike birdies, not chatty, feisty or showy.Instead, they only fancy singing, about sunshine, raindrops, flowers ...... and all the niceness one can experience.

馆主风也是很喜欢讲话的。风的讲话有时候很轻快,有时候很温柔,有时候很热烈。也有的时候,包含了全世界的哀伤。 And the sound of wind, eloquent too, sometimes brisk, sometimes gentle; sometimes passionate, but other times, expressing a world of sorrows.

馆主竹子能长得又高又壮,只因为它们心中有一个愿望—向上,向上,再向上! these bamboos are high and firm, simply because they have one wish in their mind—growing higher and higher!

馆主早晨,我问伞:“你喜欢太阳晒,还是喜欢雨淋?”伞笑了,它说:“我考虑的不是这些。”我追问它:“你考虑些什么?”伞说:“我想的是——雨天,不让大家衣服淋湿;晴天,我是大家头上的云。” In the morning, I asked my umbrella,"Burning sun or cold rain,Which do you prefer?"My umbrella smiled and said,"Those are not my concerns.""What is your concern, then?"I asked.The umbrella replied,"These are my concerns–On rainy days, protecting you from being wet;On sunny days, providing shade over your head."

馆主只听他悠悠地嘘一声,双手把镬里的茶叶掀一掀,日子好长! With a leisurely hiss, he stirs the tea leaves in the wok. What a slow life!

馆主天愈发地热起来。河边的大榆树纹丝不动。知了聒噪个不停。 It’s getting hotter. The big elm trees by the river were motionless. The cicadas were clamorous.

馆主柔软的南风吹过,紫云英花开的季节来了。 Soft south wind breezed, milk vetch blossomed.

馆主你要学会不哭! You must learn not to cry!

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