话本小说网 > 短篇小说 > 人生感受
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The greatest vulgarity is putting on airs, the greatest kitsch is conformity with others, and the greatest vulgarity is self-pity.



Happy people don't praise me, unhappy people just want to get rid of me as soon as possible. In fact, it's none of my business whether you are happy or not. It's up to you to fight for it. You can't blame it after it.



What does a person live in this world for? I tell you, it is to experience and enjoy.



Only when you improve yourself can you meet better people, and the level of communication is determined by your own quality.



In the bustling city, I am looking forward to the prosperous ending, just to find silence.



What's suitable? Suit means being with you doesn't need to deliberately find a topic. Naturally, I lose my temper and don't need to be particularly careful when I speak. You won't make me feel lonely when you are busy.



Time can age one's face, dilute some memories and change a bit of scenery, but if you stick to it, it will never be lost.

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