话本小说网 > 短篇小说 > 人生感受
本书标签: 短篇  人生文案馆 




If a person affects your emotions, your focus should be on controlling your emotions, not on the people who influence your emotions. Only in this way can we be truly confident.



Don't be too sad to be ignored. You have neglected many people before you even noticed it. The sadness in this world is circulating.



I hope you won't be sad for too long. I hope you can see more beautiful scenery. I hope you don't have to look back.



The gloomy and tired days will get through eventually.



Once some people miss it, they will never actively contact you for the rest of their lives, do not want to disturb your life, and even have no occasional pleasantries. That's what growing up is like, saying goodbye and meeting again and again.



A lonely person holding a goblet or smoking will add more loneliness and sadness.



Since there is nowhere to escape, it is better to be happy. Since there is no pure land, it is better to meditate. Since I didn't get what I wanted, I'd better be relieved.

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