话本小说网 > 短篇小说 > 人生感受
本书标签: 短篇  人生文案馆 




As long as I have a friend who can lend me an umbrella in rainy days, take a walk in the morning and sit and chat in the evening, it is enough.



The rain, dropping to the ground, seemed to be playing a melodious ditty, which struck my heartstrings. Drops of rain fell on my hands, as thin as silk, causing me to have a lot of thoughts.



In my heart, there is a plum rain, which doesn't seem to fade away with age. Let it fall, in my sentimental life.



Raindrops, sometimes light, sometimes heavy, drift softly through the hair without knowing it, or beat crisp notes on the green tiles on the roof.



Countless arrows brushed through a layer of water on the ground, and countless umbrellas immediately opened their arms. In this way, the clear and refreshing rain and the faint cool wind danced happily together.



The wind is blowing, that's my attraction to you; It rained, because my love for you touched the sky; Thunder, that's me shouting "I love you"

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