话本小说网 > 短篇小说 > 人生感受
本书标签: 短篇  人生文案馆 




Many relationships are not old ones or new ones, but after experiencing some things together, you still really feel that the other party is quite good. This is the relationship that deserves you to take seriously.



Mature people are not only polished by life to be suitable for survival, but also immune to the cold and warm world.



When you can face the inherent clumsiness and loneliness in your body, you can completely understand yourself in the past.



Don't complain, don't be bitter and bitter. The road is under your feet. Walk on your own! No one will stand in your way, only your own will is not firm!



Love you, miss you, and worry about you all the time. After you leave, it's all one's business. A lot of worries are hidden in my heart, and I am the only one looking through the past. I want to see you again in my dream. Later, I never dreamed of you again. I only rely on imagination to comfort the distance between us from a distance.


以后,我谁也不等了,要等也只等死。 我...绝不能倒下,因为...我身后...空无一人。 物是人已非,我静静地站在原地,嘲笑着曾经的流年... 爱笑的人,一旦哭了,比谁都撕心裂肺,不是因为不高兴了,而是装的太久了... 给我一个暂停键吧...我累了...

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