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Not all strength is real, and not all smiles are sincere. Many times we don't want to be strong, but we have to be strong. Many times we don't want to smile, but we have to smile.


生活似酒,饮者不同,感受不同, 有的人,豪饮不醉,有的人,浅尝而醉, 一样的酒精,不一样的感情,酒虽同,人不同;岁月似茶,品者不一,体会不一, 有的人,细细品味,慢慢斟酌;有的人,举杯而饮,一饮而尽。一样的茶,不一样的心,茶虽同,情不同。

Life is like wine, with different drinkers and different feelings. Some people are not drunk after binge drinking, while others are drunk after a shallow taste. They have the same alcohol and different feelings. Although the wine is the same, people are different. Time is like tea, with different tastes and experiences. Some people savor it carefully and consider it slowly. Some people drink in one gulp. The same tea, different hearts, the same tea, but different feelings.



With a cool mind, in the face of the hot summer, maybe you will live more smartly.



Some people and things are the stops you have to pass by. It doesn't matter whether they are good or bad, success or failure, gathering or dispersion, love or hate. They just help you taste all the tastes of life and look down on the world's changes. All experiences are good medicine for growth.

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