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The rain falls down, wetting the image in memory, but when you reach out and touch it, it no longer exists. It turns out that everything is just memory.


The rain is still falling; I still miss you. Until the day when it stopped raining in the world, I stopped loving you like rain.


What really makes people sad is often small things, just like it rained heavily that day, others were waiting for an umbrella, and I was waiting for the rain to stop.


Listening to the rain sounds like falling into a dream that you don't want to wake up. Music gurgles like a flowing spring, and hollow guqin destroys the sharp sound of rain, which seems to break the air after long practice. In the trace of Jin Ge Tie Ma, it happened that watery tenderness-dreamlike voice rippled.


Trickling is the singing life of drizzle, ticking is the drizzle counting the past, splashing is the happy dance of drizzle, and endless drizzle is the blessing. May you be happy forever!


Gradually, the rain stopped, the clouds cleared, the sun smiled, and the earth became bright again. When you open the window, the fresh air comes at you, and your face is cold.


Rainy days are feelings. I don't know when I fell in love with rainy days. I only know that every rainy day has a different feeling, and every day before, during and after the rain also gives people a different taste. This may be a kind of expectation. Feel the rainy world as you please.

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