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For human nature, do more understanding, make less judgment, and don't look high or low. A lot of relationships you think are good, but they are just like that.



Choose any kind of lifestyle, there are gains and losses. So, don't envy or complain. All you can do is keep the balance between body and heart.



Everyone hopes that the lost things will come back again, but even if they come back, they are probably not the original ones.



The root cause of your anxiety: lack of ability and many dreams, nothing more than greed; Willing to pay, but not willing to fight, is nothing more than mourning; Repeated entanglement, too melodramatic, is nothing more than weakness.



You know so many people in this world. So many people are related to you, no matter how you change, you can't make everyone like you, so it's better to be the person you want to be.


眼睛 不要用来为伤害你的人哭泣,而要用来寻找那个正确的人。人世间并不缺好人,缺的是对你好的人 ?

Don't use your eyes to cry for those who hurt you, but use them to find the right person. There is no shortage of good people in the world, but of people who are good to you?



We always comfort others like wise men, but torture ourselves like fools. Don't blame others for disappointing you. Most of the time, it is ourselves who can't get along with ourselves.



When you succeed, what you say is what you say; When you fail, what are you? The world is so cruel, you might as well study more when you have time to complain.



Endless joys and sorrows in life are just different ways of thinking. If you meet, there will be differences; There are surprises, there are regrets. Better wish than complain.



The sky is not always clear and the sun is not always shining. Many things, when experienced, it is good to know, many changes, do not need to be said, it is good to understand.



Adult is a kind of creature who "is engaged in an industry where he no longer has passion, earns an income that can support more than two people, and always wants to escape from the existing life but can't do anything about it".

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