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There is only one thing in the world that can always withstand the impact of life: a quiet heart.



At any time, complaining only proves that your ability is not good, but it doesn't mean that difficulties and problems can't exist. Complaining is actually the least valuable nonsense in the world.



If you still care what others say about you, you must also subconsciously agree with what others say about you. Only when you are truly strong can you not be afraid of any speech.



Easy to get, will not know how to care; Hard-won, will double cherish; Those who won't fail will be remembered to the death. People always do.



Life is cruel, let you know what happiness is with sadness, teach you how to appreciate silence with noise, and remind you that there is a smooth road ahead with detours.



When a person cries, you only need to give him a pack of paper towels, but if a heart cries, you have to do a lot of things.



It's a blessing to walk around, eat, drink, and not get sick all your life. It's a great blessing if you can meet someone you love and love yourself, and then make a small fortune.



One of people's natures is that they will not accept criticism from others, always think that they are always right, and like to find various excuses to defend themselves.

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