话本小说网 > 短篇小说 > 人生感受
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Starlight doesn't ask people who are on the road. Time pays off. Probably places that have never been to are called distant places, and those who have not got them are unforgettable.



The life I yearn for is just a clean circle, a regular life, a favorite person, talking and laughing during the day, and a good night's sleep.



You are a red dragonfly, passing through the center of my lake. From then on, the lake ripples and is no longer calm.



The people and things we love are ordinary, and our love adds a layer of color to them.



High places have their own scenery, and life is dusty. If you let it go, why should you worry about the weather?



Life is half fireworks and half poetry. Live with fireworks in your hand, and love with poetry in your heart.



No matter what the world is like, you should grow wildly towards the sunshine and become an adult who illuminates the world.



When I was bored, I thought I could pass the time by doing something casually. Later, I discovered that time is the first party in life, and people can't pass it.

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