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When I was young, I felt lonely was a cool thing. When I grow up, I feel lonely is a very sad thing. Now, I feel lonely is not a thing.



He will come, cross the mountains and the sea, cross the crowd, come to you in a dusty way, full of joy and excitement, and say to you with some remorse, I'm sorry I'm late.



When I earn enough money, I want to go for a walk in the outside world, a backpack, a ticket, a SLR, and a lover who can take pictures. I long for an indefinite trip.



Don't pay attention to the hurdles you can't get past, and those you can't forget should come to an end. On the new journey, I hope you don't love too much and sleep too late from now on.



A man is like a rainbow, and you will know when you meet him. Interesting souls will meet at last. Before that, please try to be a better self.



What you can leave to the years, what the years can leave to you, is nothing but the best self.



Those who know me think I am quiet, those who know me think I am crazy, and only those who know me know that I am sad.

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