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The most regrettable thing is to meet someone who can't wait at the best age; However, what is even more helpless is that at an age when I can't afford to wait, I met someone who can't do anything.



As if nothing had happened, it turned out to be the best revenge. Why prove to unworthy people that it is for themselves to live better. No matter how difficult the past is, you can start over.


当你看清了一个人而不揭穿, 你就懂得了原谅的意义;讨厌一个人而不翻脸, 你就懂得了至极的尊重。活着,总有你看不惯的人, 也有看不惯你的人。不必太在意,做好自己就好!

When you see a person without exposing it, you know the meaning of forgiveness. If you hate someone without turning your face, you will know the utmost respect. Living, there are always people you don't like, and there are people who don't like you. Don't care too much, just be yourself!



Years will pass by little by little, and the pain of life is not at the beginning, but the feeling that surges after years. It's just that things in the world are like this. Those who should come will come naturally, while those who shouldn't come are useless to hope and useless to seek. It's fate not to push, not to ask, to welcome, to watch, to let everything go, to let nature take its course.

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