话本小说网 > 短篇小说 > 人生感受
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When we were young, we all wanted to go out and have a look. Until one day, we saw what we should see and did what we should and shouldn't do, we realized that it was not difficult to go out, but difficult to walk back.



Only when people break their loneliness can they regain their noise; Only when you have exhausted your sorrow can you see your happiness again; Taste the bitterness all over, and it will naturally return to sweetness. Believe this, you can face the gap of life more calmly and walk through the wind and frost of the four seasons.



Don't think pessimistically that you are unfortunate, in fact, there are still many people who are more unfortunate than you; Don't be optimistic that you are great. In fact, you are only a drop in the ocean.



In life, some people are as strong as wine and crazy as drunk, but they wake up and find nowhere. The fate is deep and shallow, and so on: countless encounters, countless parting, maybe giving up, maybe expecting, and finally realizing, it's better to keep my heart clean and smile lightly and shallowly.

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