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Restrain your emotions, calm down your mood, keep your secrets in your heart, and open your smile. Believe that there is nothing you can't pass.



How can we live better? In this complicated and tempting society, we should not envy others or belittle ourselves. It is the best day to live the life you like safely; Just living the way you like is the best way to live.



Never blame others for not helping you, and never blame others for not caring about you. Living in the world, we are all independent individuals, and we have to bear the pain ourselves.



Life's gains and losses, successes and failures, prosperity and loneliness are just passing by. And it is only the mood that accompanies us all our lives, goes with us, and never gives up; Just like breathing, the mood accompanying one's life is the only wealth that one can't be deprived of.



It's great to come to the world. It's enough to listen to nice songs, find good-looking people make lovely friends, have dinner with people they like, or even feel good for a moment.



When you look back after a while, you will find that there are really not many things that can be remembered, and there are only a handful of people who can't really forget. There are only a few interesting days, and there are very few people who really need to be afraid.

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