话本小说网 > 短篇小说 > 人生感受
本书标签: 短篇  人生文案馆 




Look, how strange the world is. People you like can't get it, they don't cherish it, they doubt it when they are together, they lose their nostalgia, they want to meet each other when they miss it, and they hate each other late. All my life, I was full of regrets.


岁月,两个字, 写起来简单,听起来幽远。 经历过却是, 风雨兼程,满怀沧桑。 多少人留下无奈在心中, 又有多少人遗憾伴终生。

Years, two words, are simple to write and sound distant. However, I have experienced hardships and vicissitudes. How many people leave helplessness in their hearts, and how many people regret staying with them for life.



How many heartfelt words are regarded as verbal jokes that no one listens to, and how many unintentional mistakes are regarded as intentional ones.



Life destroys people silently, just like a drop of water slowly passing through Stone inadvertently. Similarly, people who have made achievements in life are silent. Only by paying attention to the details and process of life and becoming the master of life can they be made by life.



The greatest sorrow and misfortune in life is that before you know who you are and what you want, you will lose your youth, middle age and life.

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