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People who are not good at or even afraid to interpret themselves will always be separated from their true self by a heavy wall, which is a great sorrow! Because people who can't read themselves, first of all, don't have a clear ruler to comprehend others and measure the world.



You can't be too weak in your life. Everyone has a strong reason. When you are weak, you must stand up hard. Life should be self-reliant. Being strong is more important than anything else!



If you really work hard, your life will not be comfortable. If you make yourself better, other things will naturally get better. You will pay attention to it, enjoy the best and bear the worst. Good morning!



Each of us can have great dreams, but to make dreams come true, we always need these four words: down to earth! It's really unreliable to want to succeed just by being smart! Only down-to-earth, unremitting efforts, is the shortest way to success.

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