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If you are bright, the world will not be dark. If you have hope, the world will not be completely desperate. If you don't give in, what can the world do to you?



Life, in fact, is constantly repeating and continuing, and days, in fact, are dealing with daily life with a positive attitude. Life is too short and the days are too long. Everyone is eager for a better life. As long as we work hard, life will not treat us badly! Life, in fact, is to live well and endure slowly. I believe tomorrow will be better and better.



Comfort is a luxury. Before enjoying it, you must ask yourself if you are qualified. Otherwise, it can easily eat our future without even saying hello.



If you are brave enough to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new start; If you can't find a reason to stick to it, find a reason to start over. You can't live up to the voice of your dreams until you finish what you have to do.

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