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Some people say, if you are tired, don't do it. You know how to do it all day long, because I understand. No one asks the poor in the street, but the rich have distant relatives in the mountains. If you don't believe me, you should respect the rich first. People who have no money are not as good as ghosts, and soup without salt is not as good as water.



The most tiring thing is usually not the distance of the road, but the boredom in your heart; The most decadent thing is usually not the bumpy future, but the loss of your self-confidence.



Life is always hard, and the days are still long. You and I are very subtle in the torrent of the times. However, even the smallest individual should live bright, comfortable and radiant!



Life is a hundred years old, and it's already in a hurry. Besides, youth is only a short period, and it's easy to pass, but it's hard to find a trace. But it is such a short youth that many people who stand on the other side of youth are deeply attached to each other, because in youth, people still have dreams and passions, and people can simply live.


心若宽,路就宽。世间不如意事十之八 九,能对你百依百顺的人,能让你如愿以偿的事都很少。你若非要计较,没有一个人,一件事能让你满意。人活一世,也就求个心的安稳,何必跟自己过不去。心宽一寸,路宽一丈。若不是心宽似海,哪有人生风平浪静。

If the heart is wide, the road is wide. Nine times out of ten, there are unpleasant things in the world, and there are very few things that can make you get what you want. If you don't want to care, no one can satisfy you with one thing. If people live for a lifetime, they will seek peace of mind, so why bother with themselves? The heart is one inch wide and the road is ten feet wide. If it is not as broad-minded as the sea, how can life be calm?

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