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No one fits you perfectly, no perfect relationship. Whether everyone is fit or not, whether everyone is perfect or not, requires both sides to give and sacrifice, and create each other.



Too much blame and picky, people will have a bad temper, with a bad temper, the road of life will become narrower and narrower-only tolerance and generosity can make us embark on a broad road-a small mind, everything will get worse!



Philosophers are carefree, and wise men are always happy. Not because he has everything he loves, but because he loves everything he has.



Life is very long, and you will meet many powerless things in the future. Take a long view, and slowly you will find that it is no big deal, that you should meet, and that you should give up.



Life is too short. Be kind to yourself on the way to getting old. Be confused and not serious. Be generous and not angry. Look down on everything. Everything goes with the fate. Life is a passer-by. Why Qian Qian knot?

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