话本小说网 > 短篇小说 > 人生感受
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When a person grows up, he dares to face himself bitterly: before choosing, he has a sincere and firm face; After choosing, there is a heart that does not abandon or give up.



How many people you know and how many friends you have are totally different things. It's like how much money you have seen is the same as how much money you really have.



Even if it's not for lofty ideals, but for a good life, you have to work hard. Otherwise, you can't do anything.



You really don't need so many so-called friends. Life is alive, and it is important to live truly and fully. It's good to have a sound relative, two or three confidants, and a lover who can't steal away.



Summer is hot and unbearable, which often makes people upset, and annoyance is even hotter. As the saying goes, the heart is quiet and naturally cool, and there is no wind in the heart. Therefore, we should be good at mental adjustment, sit quietly and eliminate distractions.

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