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The more places you have been, the more you know where you want to go. The more people you meet, the more you know who you really want to be with.



While you are young, you need to suffer more before you can be truly humble. Otherwise, your self-righteous cleverness and contempt for all superiority will destroy you sooner or later.



It is mortals who obey fate; It is the strong who dominate their own destiny; If you have no opinion, you will follow blindly. It is the wise who think twice.



No one has ever told me that when you grow up, you may only do a bad job, talk about a bad relationship, and live a bad life.



When you are in danger, try your best to save yourself, or stay still and wait for death. Don't put all your hopes on others. Otherwise, he will teach you what despair is.



Everyone should learn to be strong. After being strong, you can do what you want and live the life you want.

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