话本小说网 > 同人小说 > HP:斯内普语录
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  [42] 'Well, Potter, you know why you are here,' he said. 'The Headmaster has asked me to teach you Occlumency. I can only hope that you prove more adept at it than at Potions.'


  [43]'This may not be an ordinary class, Potter,' said Snape, his eyes narrowed malevolently, 'but I am still your teacher and you will therefore call me "sir" or "Professor" at all times.'


  [44]Snape continued to survey him through narrowed eyes for a moment, then said, 'Now, Occlumency. As I told you back in your dear godfather's kitchen, this branch of magic seals the mind against magical intrusion and influence.'


  [45] Snape looked back at him for a moment and then said contemptuously, 'Surely even you could have worked that out by now, Potter? The Dark Lord is highly skilled at Legilimency - '


  [46]'It is the ability to extract feelings and memories from another person's mind - '


  [47]'You have no subtlety, Potter,' said Snape, his dark eyes glit-te'ing. 'You do not understand fine distinctions. It is one of the shortcomings that makes you such a lamentable potion-maker.'


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