话本小说网 > 同人小说 > HP:斯内普语录
本书标签: 小说同人 



  [40]"So I give you fair warning, Potter," Snape continued in a sorter and more dangerous voice, "pint-sized celebrity or not - if I catch you breaking into my office one more time -"


  [41]"Don't lie to me," Snape hissed, his fathomless black eyes boring into Harrys. "Boomslang skin. Gillyweed. Both come from my private stores, and I know who stole them."“别对我撒谎,”斯内普压低声音说,那双深不可测的黑眼睛狠狠地瞪着哈利的眼睛,“非洲树蛇皮,鳃囊草,这两样都是我的私人储藏品,我知道是谁偷的。”

  [42]"You were out of bed on the night my office was broken into!" Snape hissed. "I know it.Potter! Now, Mad-Eye Moody might have joined your fan club, but I will not tolerate your behavior! One more nighttime stroll into my office, Potter, and you will pay!"


  [43]"Do you know what this is. Potter?" Snape said, his eyes glittering dangerously again.


  [44]"It is Veritaserum - a Truth Potion so powerful that three drops would have you spilling your innermost secrets for this entire class to hear," said Snape viciously. "Now, the use of this potion is controlled by very strict Ministry guidelines. But unless you watch your step, you might just find that my hand slips" - he shook the crystal bottle slightly - "right over your evening pumpkin juice. And then. Potter . . . then we'll find out whether you've been in my office or not."


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