话本小说网 > 明星同人小说 > 马嘉祺:以你为名的暗恋
本书标签: 明星同人  叶舒华  宋雨琦     



“Austin今年的愿望:希望漂泊在外的游子都能归家,包括中华文物 ”


路人Are you serious?

办公桌前 ,头发已然花白的教授 皱起眉头 。

路人Do you know how promising your science is? You can definitely further develop it!


莫语迟没有说话 ,桌子上是一份早已拟好的退学申请表。

路人Your opportunity is unique, you have already reached your master's degree, so why not move towards a higher position for me? This is not the one I know about you.

路人You said you would stand in a higher position and give a good score in return for yourself and me, but now that you have reached the master's degree, why not take it to the next level in your ancient Chinese saying?

莫语迟...I'm sorry ,Very much ...

莫语迟I am truly sorry for not living up to your expectations, and the school's education over the past few years has indeed benefited me greatly,But.

莫语迟I want to go back to my country and contribute to it.


莫语迟I am indeed here to teach better and gain more knowledge. What I have learned in China is law, and here I have fulfilled my dream of becoming a science student.

莫语迟But I am a Chinese, and I want to return to my motherland, which is where I was born and raised.

莫语迟I once made a vow that I am a woman, but I want to be a science student and strive for my country.

莫语迟That is my dream, even if it is not my ideal, it is indeed my true goal, and it is also the dream of countless Chinese people.

她扬起一抹愧疚的笑,光从女人背后的落地窗里洒进来 。

莫语迟So I'm sorry, Professor Sades. I'm not planning to stay anymore.

时间到了 ,她的应聘和学历资格证获得了最高法的邀约 ,通过某些学术资格上的认证 ,她可以回到祖国了,在梦寐以求的最高法工作。

她...想回去 。


老者不说话了 ,只是挥了挥 手让她离开,神色以及背影都充斥着惋惜 。


小组的气氛少见的安静 ,女孩们的眼角变红了 ,溢出泪水。


CharlesI can't believe you made such a decision…

莫语迟…You don't understand.


CharlesWhat? Why don't I understand? But I know right now that you made a very foolish decision!

他的声音小了些 。

CharlesDo you know that this is a abandonment of academia? I can't believe you made the decision…

她忽然来了兴趣 ,挑起眉头凑近那人,笑。

莫语迟How is it? Master Muddle is worried about me?

似乎是因为第一次和女生这么近距离接触 ,那人的脸红了些,连忙退后 ,用手遮掩着脸颊 ,话音吞吞吐吐 。

CharlesNo, it's not! Who's worried about you…


简短的毕业典礼结束了 ,莫语迟整理好行李 ,与丁程鑫沟通好 买好了机票 。

莫语迟哥,你呢 ?

丁程鑫迟迟先走吧 ,我这边还有点事 ,已经给你先订好机票了 ,到了之后我会让朋友去接你 记得给我打电话 。

那天女人一身黑色风衣 ,拉着一个米色行李箱,站在机场那里 ,女生们依依不舍,男生们同样感到惋惜 ,Austin确实是一个很好的朋友以及合作伙伴 。

莫语迟After I leave, I need to take good care of myself and remember!

莫语迟Your ears should not get wet. If you catch a cold, remember to take cold medicine and take care of yourself.

少年点点头 ,一米九的个子与这副乖巧模样一点都不搭。

但是那眼眶红红的样子 ,显得那原本俊秀的长相 多了几分可怜与无奈 。

她心里确实燃起了几分悲伤之色 ,毕竟在异国他乡找到这几个好友着实不易 ,但她绝对不可能为某些事物做永久的停留 ,除非党和国家。

所以按耐一下那么不舍,假装轻松的 戴上墨镜,转身后挥了挥手 ,一身黑风衣 一头金发 拉着行李箱向远方走去 ,高挑而孤傲。


她的语气格外愉悦,这是她在美国大大方方的中国话 。

归国的喜悦之情 不仅溢于言表 。

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