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本书标签: 现代  宝藏文案  文案     


"Every shining person you see in the crowd is stepping on the point of a knife. You are as comfortable as walking on a flat ground. Of course you can't have any light."


Never put out the fire in your heart, even if others only see smoke.


Can you hear me, world...


Those who thought they could not survive, so long only to find that it has been a long time.


Don't go gentle into that good night, we should burn at sunset.



Marble transformed into a soul, like shiny dust, that was the pulse of the machine.


A waltz to bust.


The process of awakening is painful.



Run away from what,Just break it.


Cherish your trough, you will see a lot of truth, time can cross, are willing to cross, no one's life is smooth, the difficulties in the trough period, is to accumulate strength, even if the light from the cracks should be firmly grasped, and then give birth to the courage of the sun, please be sure, again, again, again, three times, three times and never exhausted, Thousands of times without hesitation to save themselves from the time of fire and water.


What you see now is me, for better or worse.


I will never surrender to this mediocre world, free to chase the light of love.


"Everyone is alone, and comes and goes without taking away a cloud."


If I come here, I will remain forever.


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