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本书标签: 现代  宝藏文案  文案     


The painful body makes me unable to be myself, and the feeling of the world only makes me feel sad. The building of ideal yearning and logic cannot make me want to get rid of the rules and embrace my free and lonely soul.


I question all doubt, I doubt all doubt, and I will never stop thinking!


Being orderly does not mean being rigid. Being orderly is not all about being routine. Mediocrity does matter.


"Once a man realizes that he is alive, he must know that he must be strong."


"Sing in the rain, make public in the dream, we have a fire!"


Believe that you were born for love, that we are all children of love.



We never met, but our souls are connected.


"Now I'm left to go it alone."


The summer wind bears witness to our freedom.


He went off into the darkness.


I saw a bird with short legs that could not fly high, a butterfly with broken wings, a seabird with broken feet. I don't know how he will fight against wind and rain on the sea in the future.


"Do his ideals live on?"

"His ideals are already in history."




I take off my wings and it becomes a white bird, white bird, my white bird, go against the wind.


Only blazing dreams and never-ending footsteps.


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