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在黑白里温柔的爱彩色 在彩色里朝圣黑白。

Gentle love in black and white, color in color, pilgrimage in black and white.


Maybe there are 5000 flowers exactly like you in the world, but only you are my unique rose. I want to say that you are the most different.


Share a beautiful picture: the clouds in the distance gently brushed Dai mountain, and the orange sunset dotted it. The wind passed by and stopped by the window. All these beautiful things rushed to me and told me to love the world.


The sun will always warm people who get up early, and the moon will accompany people who stay up late.


Walking alone in the clouds, I sprinkle fine salt on the streets of the world. In the salt grains, I brew the sweetness of the summer.


The sunset is especially gentle, and the world is romantic.


I think you are like a pilgrim who has traveled all his life, constantly looking for a temple that may not exist at all.


Dusk is full of tranquility and grapes, the sound of guitar whimpers, and you seem to rest in a dream, where there are soft lights.

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