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本书标签: 短篇  宝藏句子  宝藏文案 



一定要文采斐然吗,我磕磕绊绊,叙意不清的语句也是爱,一定要娓娓道来吗 ,我词不达意,语未由衷的叙述也是爱,一定要妙语连珠吗,我支支吾吾,含糊其辞的言语也是爱啊。

Do you have to be brilliant? I stumble, and the sentences with unclear meanings are also love. Do you have to talk about it slowly? I can't express my meaning, and the narration without sincere words is also love. Do you have to be witty? I hesitate, and the vague words are also love.


After meeting you, my good luck finally came one after another.


People always unconsciously immerse themselves in sadness. Maybe it's life frustration, maybe it's bad feelings, or other things. Then listen to some sad songs, praise some mourning sentences, and watch some sad movies, all of which are like describing yourself, trying to resonate with the sad emotions of the world.


The scenery outside the window is blurred, and pedestrians are in a hurry on the road. Some cry, others like. I am a bystander and an eavesdropper. I like the rush of time and hate the coldness of the world. I will be happy because of the scenery along the way, and I will be silent in my own world. The road is far away, and people's hearts are changeable.

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