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Remember that sentence full of romantic pictures? When the blue rose falls into the Klein sea, those who have never met will eventually meet


In this world, we all need to relax and live. I hope that one day, we can seek others' love and support without pleasing everyone or compromising. I want to say that you are unique. You don't need to try your best to please others. You are precious.


Don't deny yourself. You are already very good, especially gentle, and especially worthy of love.

其实 这个世界很大,大到我们无法再相遇。但是这个世界,说小也很小,小到去车站也许都会碰你一面,小到让我遇见了整个青春最最遗憾的那个人。

In fact, the world is so big that we can't meet again. But the world is so small that I may meet you when I go to the station. It's so small that I meet the most regretful person in my whole youth.


You don't have to tell others how many skills you have, so you can live in peace and quiet without any restriction. You just want to be sunny in this precious world.


Life is not to catch the way, but to feel the way.

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