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Have you ever wondered why people in reality like reading novels because they are boring and boring? I think it's because our youth is too quiet. The thrills in the novel are unprecedented in reality. To put it bluntly, I just want to see those blatant preferences in others' youth, those memories I have never had. In the virtual world, everything is always beautiful, and I like those happy endings.

我频繁的用相机,用笔记,用我自己的经历记录着 因为我觉得就算这个世界再嘈杂,再冷酷,生活也值得我去记录。

I often use my camera, notes and my own experience to record, because I think even if the world is noisy and cold, life is worth recording.


Love is boundless, and there is discretion in life

可惜了,现在的人都喜欢试探 试探那些好人,坏人,试探自己亲近的人。每个人都在权衡利弊。那些热烈而真诚的坦荡 早已被这些消失殆尽。那些可爱的真诚,勇敢的专一,已经难得一了。

Unfortunately, people now like to test those good people, bad people, and those close to them. Everyone is weighing the pros and cons. Those warm and sincere magnanimity have long been eliminated by these. Those lovely sincerity and brave singleness are rare.

我们要试着慢慢理解这个世界 并且慢慢更新自己。

We should try to understand the world slowly and update ourselves slowly.

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