话本小说网 > 明星同人小说 > TNT:渣渣女配要攻略!
本书标签: 明星同人  TNT  穿越 




丁程鑫Is that the headmaster? Which class is Li Xiaoying in?(是校长吗?就是请问李小莹是哪个班的?)

校长Oh, it's Ding Chengxin. He's from Class One or Two.(哦,是丁程鑫呀,他是大一二班的)

丁程鑫So who are we?(那我们是?)

校长Didn't you say that I should transfer you to the first class? So you're in class one now.(你们不是说让我把你们换到一班去吗?所以你们现在在一班)

丁程鑫Can you transfer Lin Xiaoying to Class One, too?(那能把林小莹也调到一班吗?)

校长Yeah, it's okay.(嗯,行的)


丁程鑫Thank you, headmaster, for your trouble.(那好,谢谢校长 ,麻烦您了)

校长It's okay. It's okay.(没事没事)


丁程鑫Hey, headmaster, can you help us drop her in front of our seats?(哎,校长,能帮我们把她掉到我们座位跟前吗?)

校长Ok, I will discuss with the head teacher and transfer you together.(行,到时候我会和班主任商量一下,把你们调在一起的)

丁程鑫Okay, thank you, headmaster. By the way, don't tell her about this. I'm afraid she won't want to hear it, so don't say it first. And I guess he's back now.(好的,谢谢校长,对了,这件事情先别跟她说,我怕她听到了之后就不愿意了,所以说你先不要说,而且我估计他现在已经回来了)

校长All right, you can rest assured that I will never say anything.(行,你们放心,我绝对不会说的)

丁程鑫Okay, bye-bye, then(好的,那先拜拜了)

校长Yeah, okay, bye.(嗯,好的,再见)


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