话本小说网 > 现代小说 > 戏里人生戏外尝
本书标签: 现代  七月推荐  励志     






简摇了摇头,合上相册,抬头问梁皖妮:“Why are you keeping these photos?”

梁皖妮拿回相册:“I didn't have many friends growing up. I was very happy when I was your roommate.”

简漫不经心地查看着自己新做的美甲:“At that time, we were too young. Even... too childish.”

梁琍雅咽下一大口土豆泥,又看看梁皖妮和简:“Aren't you going to eat?”

梁皖妮把鸡茸蘑菇汤向她那边推了推:“Have some soup. Be careful not to choke.”

“I don't like the soup here.”梁琍雅说着,继续吃面前的土豆泥。

梁皖妮没在管她,继续对简说:“I agreed to be in a play the other day, and I think one of the parts would be perfect for you.”

“I'm sorry, but I'm out of time this year.”简高傲地昂起头。


于是,她故意说:“Oh, yes, we're too busy. I almost forgot. I should have had my agent contact yours first.”

“I have to show my husband all my scripts first. He wouldn't allow me to shoot some... You know, some scenes.”

“Is he very controlling of you?”梁皖妮问。

简停下了刀叉,点了点头:“I admit that I married him because he was rich. But... I admit that I've barely been recognized since I stepped out of show business. So, what did I do before, and why? I'm snobbish. I want to be rich and famous.”

梁皖妮突然很同情她:“Have you mentioned it to your husband?”

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