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本书标签: 小说同人  恋爱日记 

第四章 判别他也喜欢我


念曦System system, how to judge that he also likes me?(系统,系统,怎么样判断他也喜欢我呀?)

系统:小爱What do you want me to say?(你让我说点什么好呢?)

念曦In other words, what kind of reaction would you have if you liked someone?(换一句话来说吧,喜欢一个人会有什么样的反应呢?)

系统:小爱When you like someone, you want to be with him because he will bring you happiness. After you leave, you will miss, laugh when you think, then continue your quiet life and look forward to seeing him again. When you love someone, you want to be with him, which is a kind of reluctance, afraid that he will be wronged, afraid that he can't take good care of himself; After leaving, you will miss it, thinking about sighing, "I wonder how he is doing now?" Then you continue your quiet life and hope that he will come back to you as soon as possible.(当你喜欢一个人时,你想和他在一起,因为他会带给你快乐;离开后,你会想念,想着想着就会笑,然后继续你平静的生活,并期待着与他再一次重逢。 当你爱一个人时,你想和他在一起,那是一种牵肠挂肚的舍不得,怕他受委屈,怕他不能好好照顾自己;离开后,你也会想念,想着想着叹一口气,“不知他现在过的怎样?”然后你继续你平静的生活,希望他早日回到你身边。)

念曦It seems that I think I like him. But I don't know if he will like me.(看来,我觉得我喜欢他,但是,不知道他会不会喜欢我。)

念曦System, do you like me?(系统,你喜欢我吗?)

系统:小爱Love you is my most sure thing.(爱你是我最确定的事情。)

念曦In fact, when I heard this answer, my heart melted.(其实,当我听到这个回答的时候,我的心都化了。)

上一章 第三章 微妙的关系 贩卖星河恋爱记最新章节 下一章 第五章 他对我冷淡了