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本书标签: 小说同人  恋爱日记 

第三章 微妙的关系


念曦Actually, it was on that day. I cleverly sat on the same bus with him. (其实,是在那一天,我很巧妙的和他坐到了同一部公交车。)

念曦I really wanted to avoid him, so I just found an empty place to sit down, and there was no one next to me.(我很想避开他做,所以,我找了一个空旷的位置坐下,然后,我旁边是没有人的。)

念曦It's a wonderful thing. I got on the bus first, and then I got on the bus right after him. I didn't know I was with him.(就很奇妙的是,我先上了车。紧跟着他也上了车,我不知道我和他是一路。)

念曦I got on the bus and found a place to sit down. When I put down my backpack, he sat next to me.(我上了车,随便找了一个位置坐了下来。当我放下背包的时候,他也坐了下来。)

念曦At that time, I was so surprised that I was too nervous to do anything.(当时我非常吃惊,紧张到我什么事情也不敢做。)

念曦He started the topic first.(是他先挑开的话题。)

念曦Let me explain here first. His name is Song Xiao(在这里我先说明一下,他的名字叫做宋晓。)

宋晓Nian Xi, do you have anyone you like?(念曦,你有喜欢的人吗?)



念曦At that time, he felt a little unhappy.(那时候他有些闷闷不乐的感觉。)

念曦And I was very happy at that time, because I thought he was unhappy because I liked people.(那时候我十分开心,因为我觉得他是因为我有喜欢的人才闷闷不乐的。)

宋晓What does the person you like look like?(那你喜欢的人长什么样?)

念曦At that time, I didn't know why. I replied, I like people like you.(当时我也不知道为什么,我回答说,我喜欢的人像你这样。)

念曦I don't know where the courage came from.(我也不知道我当时哪来的勇气。)

念曦Anyway, I just answered him like that.(反正我就那样跟他回答了。)

念曦I didn't talk to him on the bus all the way back.(后面整一路的公交车上我和她都没有讲过话。)

念曦I don't know why I feel. There are some subtle relationships.(不知道为什么,我就感觉有一些微妙的关系发生。)

系统:小爱Is it?(是吗?)

系统:小爱Well, congratulations on that.(那就要恭喜你了哟。)


上一章 第二章 为什么他不喜欢我? 贩卖星河恋爱记最新章节 下一章 第四章 判别他也喜欢我